Work Related Injuries FAQs

Most people don't expect to experience worker's compensation-related injuries and other work injuries like slips and falls, sprains, or repetitive motion injuries on the job. When these injuries happen, experienced chiropractors can provide a healing solution. 


DePietro Chiropractic and Wellness of Peckville, PA can help relieve work-related injuries. Experienced chiropractors have a comprehensive understanding of the body's alignment and function, which allows them to treat various conditions related to the spine and joints.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Cervical Pain? 

Cervical pain can be caused by neck tension or forward thrusting during heavy lifting, sitting at a desk or using a computer workstation for extended periods at work.

Chiropractors often treat cervical pain from work-related injuries by adjusting the spine and associated joints. This can help reduce pain and inflammation and improve the range of motion in the neck and upper back.

Chiropractic adjustments may also be used to adjust vertebral subluxations (misalignments) that may contribute to neck or upper back pain.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome From Work-Related Injuries?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common work-related disease that occurs when the median nerve between the thumb and index finger, which runs through the hand, becomes compressed. CTS can be caused by many factors, including repetitive stress injuries from work.

Chiropractors often treat CTS by adjusting the spine and relieving compression on the nerve. This treatment may help to improve pain symptoms, range of motion, and grip strength. Additionally, chiropractors may prescribe splinting or surgery if other measures do not relieve debilitating carpal tunnel symptoms.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Low Back Pain Caused by Work-Related Injuries?

Low back pain can be caused by improper biomechanics and work-related accidents caused by heavy lifting or bending over, which puts additional stress on the lower back region.

Repeated movements and positions that are not comfortable can aggravate existing lower back issues, and working long hours at a desk may create problems with posture and spinal alignment. 

Chiropractors often treat low back pain caused by work-related injuries by restoring function to the spine. By realigning the vertebrae and adjusting muscles and nerves, chiropractors can help to improve mobility and reduce inflammation.

Get Treatment for Work-Related Injuries - Peckville, PA

If you're experiencing any discomfort related to your job or seeking treatment for worker's compensation injuries in Peckville, and the surrounding Scranton, PA communities, consult with an experienced chiropractor at DePietro Chiropractic and Wellness to determine if you need treatment. Call 570-291-4450 today.

Most treatments require an appointment. However, some options can be accessed remotely through technology, such as apps or online video consultations.




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